Monday, July 1, 2013

God's unfailing LOVE

       It has been a long time since my last post. Lots of things have happened in our lives as a family. The Lord has used those things to grow and sanctify us through trials and blessings. So let me fill you in on the things the Lord has done. 

       In July 2011 Daniel and I found out that we were expecting our 2nd child. We were so excited because we had been trying for 6 months to get pregnant. So we shared our news with our family and friends. I went in for my first ultra sound at 11 weeks and there was no heartbeat. Needless to say we were heartbroken. They told us that the baby had stopped growing around 8 weeks so they scheduled me for a D&C since I didn't miscarry on my own. It was a really tough time for us. I think I went through a world wind of emotions with angry being the main emotion. There were many times I had discussions alone with the Lord where I yelled at Him. I was so angry and I thought that he wasn't with me, Oh but he was! Very slowly the Lord began to show me that he has a plan and a purpose for everything. I began to read scripture and cling to the hope of God's promises. I remember distinctly reading in Jeremiah one day and the Lords words hit me like a tone of bricks. It was the passage about the potter and the clay. It was talking about the potter shaping the clay on the wheel and the clay marring in his hands, shaping into what the potter wanted. Then I read the line that says, "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand." Jeremiah 18:6. And I just started weeping because I had been so mad at God that I couldn't see that he was trying to mold me into what he wanted. From that day on God continued to heal my heart with his words, and the pain and loss lessened. I realized that God had a plan for me and our family and I just needed to trust him with it. And he did have a plan! In January of 2012 we found out that we were pregnant again with another baby. We were very scared and I was a nervous wreck the first trimester but the Lord was faithful and gave us a peace. As I made it into the second trimester my worries started to disappear all together because I knew God was in control. We found out that we were having another precious boy! Man naming him was a hard task. We couldn't hardly agree on anything but we finally decided on Micah Daniel Golob. Daniel and I then were praying about me staying at home with the boys full time, and decided on a plan that made that work out. I put in my notice at my part-time job at the first of July and my last day was August 31st. But then the Lord threw us for another loop the first week in August. Daniel lost his job at the Bank. So here we were a month out from my due date with no income coming in at the start of September. It was very stressful and I don't ever think I have seen my husband so upset in all our years of being together. But I told him that this was all in Gods plan and that God had a different job in mind for him and that God would show us the way and provide for our needs. And you know what! He did! Our God is so great and loving and he had a better plan than we did for ourselves. During this time that Daniel was out of work we welcomed Micah Daniel Golob into the world on September 18,2012. And what a blessing he was in the midst of the storm we were in. 

      He was a whopping 10 pounds 1 ounce and 22 1/2 inches long. Over the weeks that we came home from the hospital Daniel went on several interviews and we prayed diligently for the Lord to provide a job for Daniel to provide for our family. The week before our 5 year anniversary in October Daniel had an interview with the company that he has wanted to work at for several years. And the Lord blessed the interview and 2 days later they called and offered him the job! We were praising the Lord with all our might! He never failed us! 
       Gods unfailing love for us has brought us through these last 2 years and I am so thankful that our father in heaven finds mercy on us daily even though we don't deserve it! Our little family of 4 is blessed beyond measure and I am so glad that I can be called a child of God. Here are some more recent pictures of the boys:) The pictures below were either taken by me or Michelle Patton Photography or Amy Clifton Keely Photography. They are both amazing photographers and if you are in the Greenville/Spartanburg area you need to look them up!

In His grace,



Lana said...

God is faithful!! Looking back at some of your older posts I can't believe how much your boys look alike. Such cuties!

Carly said...

Great post, Autumn! Love you and your family!

Autumn Golob said...

Thanks Lana and Carly! Love you girls! I'm doing pretty good with keeping up my blogging so far! 1 a day for 3 days! Hears hoping I stick with it!