Friday, January 30, 2009

32 weeks and counting!

So I am now 32 weeks pregnant and I am ready for this baby to be here...but I need to wait until my showers are over! I am getting really excited because my first shower is in a week and I can not wait to see what baby Eli gets! I did get my crib and it is put together and looking beautiful! And I just got my dresser/changing table and my mom and I are going to put it together today! I'm so excited and I can't wait to get it put together and then I will post pictures of the crib and dresser on here in another blog.

My belly just keeps growing and growing and just when I think it won't go anymore it just gets bigger! So please pray that my baby is not a 9 pounder cause I don't know if I can handle that...I'm hoping for a little boy around 7 or 8 pounds! But here are a few pics of my growing baby belly! These were taken a few weeks ago....