Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thankful that God is my strength

So life has been crazy busy and stressful these last 2 weeks. My mom had her knee replacement done September 5th. She came through surgery well and they moved her to the cottages for rehab that following Monday. Even though she made it through surgery well all of the pain medicines have made her very sick and it is hard for her to keep anything down. She was also doubling over in pain more than normal, so of course they immediately thought blood clot, thankfully it was not a blood clot. Then they found an infection in her knee, so she is now on high powered antibiotics along with all of her pain medication, needless to say it has been a really ruff few weeks for her. I hate seeing her this way but I know that the Lord has a plan for everything that is happening now, and I am just trusting in Him!

In other news, Eli had his first day of co-op on September 9th. So we are now officially a homeschooling family! I'm just thankful that he likes school! He even wanted to do school this past Saturday! Oh my what a nut! I told him that we don't do school on the weekends, hopefully he will eventually be ok with this, because this mama needs a break for her mind to rest! Here are some pictures of Eli's first day of school, he was just too cute, so I took lots of pictures!

We also went downtown and walked around Falls Park as a family and here are some pictures of our adventure!

Its also been an emotional day for me missing this sweet man I had the privalege of calling Grandpa. It has been 4 years since he passed away and I still miss him terribly. Praise the Lord that I will see him again in glory one day!

And to top off this day my baby turns 1 year old tomorrow! I can't believe it has been a year already! God has blessed me so much I don't even have words for it other than, I am not worthy of it and I'm so thankful that God blesses me anyway! Even in my struggles He is there! Mercy what a Savior! I'm so blessed to be a daughter of the King of Kings!

God bless,


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